P.O. Box 461
Deerwood, MN 56444-0461





                                                            Revised May 23, 2021 by PRE
BLIA Background

In 1970, Bob Erickson set out to form an association of Bay Lake property owners. His efforts were prompted by red and brown algae clumps (a primary threat to Minnesota lakes at that time) and a belief that a coordinated effort involving all property owners was essential for the long-term preservation of Bay Lake. 

An initial board meeting was held at the Twins Motor Lodge (or Hotel) on Apr 24, 1970, leading to the following action items:

  1. Recruit the existing shoreline associations (Woodland Beach Association, etc.).
  2. Compile a list of Bay Lake property owners. Working with two other computer industry retirees (Howard Shekels, a Bay Lake resident and Pete Zimmer, a resident of Rush Lake who was in the process of establishing a similar association) a courthouse employee was hired to pull names and addresses from county records in her spare time. Then computer time was leased and data was entered to create a computerized mailing list. Although databases later became commonplace, this was both a novel idea and a time-consuming endeavor in 1970.
  3. Invite Bay Lake property owners to a kick-off meeting in the old Bay Lake schoolhouse. 

The kick-off meeting was a huge success. The vision was presented, it was decided to form the Bay Lake Improvement Association (BLIA) and volunteers were enlisted.

A follow-up board meeting was held during the summer.  The initial officers, board members and committee chairs coming out of those meetings were:

  Apr 24, 1970 1970/71
President Bob Erickson Bob Erickson
VP Bob Haben Bob Haben
VP   Dick Johnson
Treasurer Kirk Kirkeeide Kirk Kirkeeide
Secretary Don Weidenbach Don Weidenbach
Board: Bill Bale Bill Bale
  Jack Hardin Bob Ellison
  Ed Holbert Jim Halverson
  Dick Johnson Earl Heatherington
    Ed Holbert
    Glen Hunt
    Don Johnson
    Al Piepgras
    Odd Rovick
    Howard Shekels
Committee Chairs:    
Membership   Bob Erickson
Publicity   Dick Johnson
Water Quality   Ward Thompson & Ed Holbert
Water Safety   Jack Hardin
Conservation   Howard Shekels
Tax   Jack Ruttger
Lakeshore Environment   Bob Haben

Additionally, the lake was divided up geographically and residents were recruited to be “Beach Captains”. These early Beach Captains were vitally important. They signed up members and facilitated communication. Board and committee meetings were scheduled, an annual membership meeting was held and an association newsletter, “The Breezes” became the cornerstone of association communications. Member support was excellent and the enthusiasm and commitment of the volunteers got the new association up and running.

Some of the first BLIA initiatives were:
-the development and management of a walleye rearing pond,
-a reviewal of county records to determine which properties had upgraded septic systems,
-coordination with the Minnesota Lakes Association on issues key to lake property owners,
-monitoring and, if appropriate, taking positions regarding lakeshore development,
-enhancing the environment by providing members with pine tree seedlings,
-pushing the township to asphalt the roads servicing lakeshore properties and,
-monitoring property tax issues.

In addition to these “operational” activities, the new association provided residents with the opportunity to bring BayLakers together.  Annual summer and winter parties and special summer “kids parties” all contributed to the feeling of “community” at Bay Lake.  Subsequently, the Runtilla and Fireworks became traditions and then Amazing Race, the Bay Lake Block Party, Trivia Night, Music on the Lake and New Year’s Eve Fireworks were added.

While some of the challenges (such as safety and communications) have been consistent throughout the years, others have evolved. For example, water quality efforts, which initially focused on septic system upgrading, now involve identifying specific sources of pollution and taking proactive steps to correct them. Other challenges such as exotic species, which weren’t even on the radar screen when BLIA was formed, now require a tremendous amount of focus, work, and financial support. Without the BLIA infrastructure and key volunteers, Eurasian Water Milfoil would likely have begun hindering lake activities many decades ago.

A key step in the growth of the association was the development of the “Environmental Fund”. Many of BLIA’s most vital activities are funded through the donations to this fund. 

For over five decades BLIA has maintained a coordinated approach to protecting Bay Lake and enhancing the Bay Lake experience for our residents and their descendants.

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